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7 Healthy Tips On How To Smell Good All The Time

As the saying goes, smelling good is important for leaving a positive impression. It’s essential to be mindful of your body odour and invest in products that help you maintain a pleasant scent. Taking care of your hygiene ensures that you feel confident and comfortable in social situations. No one wants to feel embarrassed by unpleasant body odour when interacting with others.CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>

Even if you start your day feeling fresh and clean, it’s common for your scent to fade as the day goes on. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to ensure you smell great throughout the day. Following these steps will help you maintain a pleasant fragrance and boost your confidence in any situation.

1. Wash the sweatiest parts of your body

Showering regularly is a must for staying fresh. When you wash, use scented soap and a sponge to clean your entire body thoroughly.

Focus on the sweat zones! These areas have more sweat glands, which can mix with bacteria on your skin and cause odour. Pay special attention to your armpits, groin area, inner thighs, and feet. Don’t forget other important areas like your chest, ears, genitals, and buttocks.

If you have sensitive skin, avoid harsh soaps with strong perfumes or antibacterial ingredients. These can irritate your skin.

2. Moisturise skin with scented lotion or cream

Lotion can be your secret weapon for long-lasting fragrance.

After you shower, your skin is clean and slightly damp. This moistness acts like a base that helps trap scents and keeps them lingering longer. Apply a scented lotion right after towelling off to lock in that fresh, clean feeling and your favourite scent. Lotions come in a wide variety of scents, so you can find one that complements your perfume or cologne.

Think about your perfume or cologne as the star of the show, and other scented products like lotion as supporting actors. Choosing a lotion or cream from the same brand as your perfume or cologne creates a layered effect. This layering reinforces your overall scent and makes it more complex and interesting than a single overpowering note.

While smelling good is important, it’s easy to go overboard. Too many competing scents can be overwhelming and unpleasant for both you and those around you. Consider using mostly unscented products for things like deodorant, hairspray, and lip balm.

This allows you to focus on one or two main scents—your lotion and perfume—which will create a more balanced and pleasant overall fragrance. Think of it like building an outfit—you wouldn’t wear clashing prints or colours from head to toe, and the same goes for scents!

3. Make your perfume or cologne last

To make your fragrance last all day, target your pulse points and torso. These areas naturally generate more body heat, which helps activate and release the scent throughout the day. Here’s how to apply:

  • Skip the rubbing: After applying lotion, gently dab your perfume or cologne on your wrists, neck, and even behind your ears. Rubbing these areas can break down the fragrance molecules, making the scent weaker.

  • Move down to your torso: For a more subtle but long-lasting effect, lightly spray a small amount of perfume or cologne on your chest and back.

  • Extend the fragrance to your hair: Spritz your hairbrush with your favourite perfume before brushing your dry hair. This will gently distribute the scent without weighing down your locks.

  • Less is more: Remember, a little perfume goes a long way. Avoid overdoing it; too much fragrance can be overwhelming. By applying strategically and in moderation, you’ll ensure you smell pleasant all day without being overpowering.

4. Use a deodorant or antiperspirant


After showering, apply deodorant to your armpits to combat odour and minimise sweat, especially since armpits tend to develop odour faster due to numerous sweat glands. Antiperspirant deodorants work effectively to mask unpleasant smells and regulate sweat production. If you engage in physical activities that induce sweating, reapply deodorant as necessary to maintain freshness.

Deodorants are available in various forms, such as solid sticks, gel sticks, or sprays. Additionally, you have the option to opt for natural alternatives like rock deodorant or create your own using baking soda and coconut oil.

Consider using unscented deodorant if you intend to use perfumes or scented lotions to avoid overwhelming your senses with too many fragrances.

5. Put on clean clothes every day

Always wear fresh clothes each day, including a clean shirt, pants, underwear, bra, and socks, to ensure you maintain a pleasant scent throughout the day.

Changing into clean clothes helps prevent any lingering odours and keeps you feeling comfortable. If you tend to have sweaty or smelly feet, consider changing your socks multiple times throughout the day to maintain freshness and avoid discomfort.

6. Stay hydrated during the day

Staying hydrated is a double win for freshness. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps your body flush out toxins and sweat, which can contribute to body odour. Water also keeps your mouth moist, preventing bad breath caused by dryness or lingering food particles.

If you’re worried about strong food smells like coffee or garlic, drinking water helps dilute them in your mouth, leaving you feeling minty and fresh.

Make a habit of drinking at least eight glasses of water daily. This keeps you hydrated, promotes overall health, and helps you stay fresh from head to toe.

7. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies

Fruits and vegetables are packed with nutrients that help your body function at its best, and that includes keeping you smelling good. They also promote healthy digestion, which can further contribute to freshness.

Be mindful of strong-smelling foods. While garlic, onions, and spices are delicious and healthy, they can leave behind lingering odours on your breath and even slightly alter your body scent. If you’re worried about staying fresh throughout the day, it might be wise to limit these foods on those specific occasions.

Fruits and vegetables that are high in water content, like watermelon, cucumber, and celery, can help flush out toxins that contribute to body odour. So fill your plate with these cleansing options to support your freshness goals!CONTINUE FULL READING>>>>