An ex- commandant of Army Signals, commander of Training and Doctrine, and Chief of Defence Training and Planning, General Ishola Williams (retd. ), during an interview with The Punch newspaper correspondent, talks about the rise in criminal activity and the continuous terror attacks in the country, Nigeria.
During the interview, General Ishola Williams (retd. ) stated that he does not consider the attackers as terrorists because there is no terrorism in Nigeria. This is because the attackers, who kidnap people for ransom and threaten villagers to pay money, have gone beyond simply being terrorists. He stated that their power has increased and they have the capability to take over any part of the Northern region and reside there.
According to his words, General Ishola Williams (retd. ) said- ” Bello Turji (the notorious bandit kingpin) said one important thing. He said, ” The military knows where I am. Come and attack me. ” After that, he said, ” Okay, since you don’ t want to come, I am coming. ”
Gen Ishola claimed that there is no place in the world where a leader of bandits would openly challenge the military.
He continued- ” So, where in the world can you see that? All the military could say is, ” Oh, we will deal with him. ” But nothing has happened up until now. And the man is confident. In fact, let us go back to what Sheikh Gumi told everybody. “