In a devastating incident on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at least 15 lives have been lost in a horrific fuel tanker explosion at Ugwu Onyeama, Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State.
The catastrophic explosion erupted around 11:30 AM, engulfing a busy expressway in flames as the fuel-laden tanker met its fate.
Witnesses recounted the horrifying moment, describing the blast as destructive, shattering nearby vehicles and plunging the area into chaos and panic.
Desperate rescue efforts were hampered by the ferocity of the blaze, leaving bystanders helpless as they struggled to reach the scene.
Tragically, some victims were reportedly burnt beyond recognition, believed to be the occupants of vehicles caught in the relentless inferno.
As investigations unfold, authorities are yet to confirm the precise number of casualties or the root cause of this tragic explosion.
Watch the disturbing video below: