On Saturday the notorious Lakurawa bandits struck again, claiming the lives of three Airtel Communication Nigeria Limited employees and a local resident in Gumki village, Arewa Local Government Area, Kebbi State. The incident occurred as the victims were installing a surveillance mast for the Nigeria Immigration Service in the community near the border between Nigeria and Niger Republic.
A statement released on Saturday by Nafiu Abubakar, spokesperson for the Kebbi State Police Command, confirmed the tragic event. Abubakar revealed that the Commissioner of Police, CP Bello M. Sani, along with the Kebbi State Comptroller of the Nigeria Immigration Service, CIS Muhammad Bashir Lawali, promptly visited the scene to assess the situation and ensure appropriate measures were taken.
The attack highlights the growing insecurity in border regions, where criminal groups like the Lakurawa bandits continue to wreak havoc. Abubakar disclosed that the police have intensified efforts to restore peace and stability in the area. ” On 10/01/2025, at approximately 8: 47 PM, suspected Lakurawa bandits attacked the construction site at Gumki village. The victims were staff of Airtel Communication Nigeria Limited working on a project for the Nigeria Immigration Service. Tragically, four individuals, including one local resident and three Airtel employees, lost their lives in the assault, ” he explained.