A heartbreaking incident has unfolded in the Eziezekwe village of Abagana, Njikoka Local Government Area, Anambra State, where a middle-aged woman, Mrs. Chioma Nwana, tragically lost her life after being set ablaze by her husband.
The horrifying event occurred on Tuesday, with Mrs. Nwana succumbing to her injuries on Wednesday morning at a nearby hospital, where she was rushed for emergency treatment.
After committing the act, the man turned himself in at the Abagana Divisional Police Station.
Community sources revealed that the couple had a history of frequent quarrels, often fueled by the husband’s suspicions of infidelity.
A source said, “Mrs. Chioma Nwana, who lived with her husband and their six children at Eziezekwe village, Abagana community in Njikoka Local
Government Area, was burnt by her husband on Tuesday evening and she was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to her injuries on Wednesday morning”
Another source said, “The husband, who set her on fire, went to the police station himself and reported the incident, claiming that his wife was going out with men in the village and it was destroying their home.
The man said she returned home from one of the men’s houses on Tuesday evening.”
The Police Public Relations Officer in the state, SP Toochukwu Ikenga, when contacted on the incident by our correspondent on Wednesday, did not answer calls to his cell phone.