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BREAKING: US Marines Fly Into Haiti In Dead Of Night To Evacuate Embassy Staff As Gangs Wreak Havoc

The US Marines have stormed into Haiti to protect the country’s embassy, amidst reports that the situation has got so bad that cannibals are killing and eating victims on the street.

With the violence in the country’s capital at an all-time high, the US forces flew in with the intent of reinforcing the embassy and evacuating non-essential personnel. The high-stakes operation, which took place in the dark of night, was conducted by helicopter.

The US Southern Command said in a statement: “This airlift of personnel in and out of the embassy is consistent with our standard practice for embassy security augmentation worldwide, and no Haitians were on board the military aircraft.”

The emergency airlift comes amid horrifically violent gang attacks, which have terrorised the streets of metropolitan Port-au-Prince, including the area of Tabarre, where the US embassy is located.