A chieftain of the Arewa Consultative Forum, Usman Bugaje has said that there is need to dump the rotational system of presidency in Nigeria and look for better ways to improve growth and development in line with the recent happenings across the globe.
Bugaje in a recent interview took a swipe at all the indices of development and warned that Nigeria is on a rollercoster and taking a nosedive.
According to the ACF chieftain, it is important for leaders take into cognizance, the need to create an inclusive path to address the challenges faced by the nation.
He said, “I would rather be part of a new conversation that starts thinking about what team do we require to fix this country that is about to break down, that is about to be run aground by reckless and irresponsible politicians who have held power in the last 25 years.”
Bugaje also stated that people talking about taking turns have done nothing but only destroyed the nation due to their quest to satisfy their personal ambition.
He said, “They are not ashamed of the fact that they have not performed well, yet they are still talking about ambitions. Everybody has an ambition to be this, ambition to be that. People are talking about their turn. What have you done with those turns? They have destroyed this country. We can’t continue with this kind of conversation.
“Yes, like I said, we have to recognise everybody, we have to include everybody, we have to consult, but this should not deteriorate to a level where we start looking at turn-by-turn kind of presidency, or we become fixated with this formula of the North and South or some people say: ‘this tribe has not had its chance, so they have to have their chance’. Those tribes who had their chance, what have they done? Is it a tribal matter in the 21st century?” He queried.
He further stated that while the Northern Part of the country has had its own fair share of leading the nation, the challenges faced by the region remains enormous without any significant growth in sectors like education, health, industrialization among others.
However stating that no region of the county has monopoly of competence, Bugaje also noted that inclusivity can be achieved without overriding the requirement to a developmental path.
“There are competent Nigerians among the South-West, among the South-East, among the South-South, North-East, North-West, North-Central,” he said.