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Get close to a rich person. Don’t beg him for money. Beg him for training/mentorship to escape being broke

The bad thing about being broke is that you don’t even realise when it starts. You think you can just keep doing this little thing quietly. But that little thing is either wrong or not enough. And then surely with time, you land inside BrokeLand.
The big challenge now is to look at your life from the beginning up to now and see which bad thing you may have done to land you in broke land and then change that bad behaviour.
Maybe you were afraid to ask someone a question. Or you are too selfish? Or not challenging enough?
You watch sharkTank or Dragon’s Den (YouTube) and see business people securing funding to expand their business. They too were broke but inside that brokeNess, they started a business thing that they were so confident about so that they can get a loan to expand it and pay back. And finally come out of their brokeNess.
I don’t know. Everyone has a journey. People are rich because of certain things or ways they behave. Unfortunately, they distance themselves from broke poor people So poor people are not able to FOLLOW CLOSELY the same steps of rich people and copy them INTO also becoming rich. It’s not by wearing shoe, watch and crying 50mp latest camera phone.
Get close to a rich person. Don’t beg him for money. Beg him for training/mentorship…