Home remedies: Clever ways to help you whiten your teeth at home

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Nothing is as embarrassing as being told to whiten your teeth. Try these simple and affordable ways to whiten your teeth for a brighter smile.....KINDLY READ THE FULL STORY HERE▶

Did you know you can whiten your teeth without using expensive toothpaste or going for teeth whitening from a dentist?

Nothing is as embarrassing as trying to make a conversation with someone then they tell you that you have food stains on your teeth or your teeth are yellow.

Receiving negative comments about your teeth can kill your confidence and self-esteem. This will affect you both psychologically and physically.

We shouldn’t dull our smile because of small issues like our teeth not being white when that can be easily solved.

Some of the foods and fruits we eat can be used as teeth-whitening agents – it’s just that we don’t know about them.

Most people only know of carrots being teeth whitening agents but it is not the only fruit that can whiten your teeth.

Below are other ways you can use to whiten your teeth:

1. Banana peels

Other than being a nutritious fruit, bananas can be used to clean your teeth. After eating the banana don’t throw away the banana peels use the inside part of the banana peel to brush your teeth. The result is immediate your teeth will look brighter than they were before you brushed with the peal. The more you use the peels the whiter your teeth will become.

2. Using charcoal

Most people have used charcoal to cook their food at least once. It will be beneficial if you know how to cook and also use charcoal to clean your teeth, especially with this economy. Before cooking take at least two small to medium pieces of charcoal and brush your teeth with them. Ensure you thoroughly brush your teeth. When you are done rinse your mouth with water and your teeth will be brighter.

3. Use of cloves

Other than clove being a spice and a natural mouth freshener, it can also be used to whiten your teeth. Before brushing your teeth chew at least two cloves but don’t swallow the liquid from the cloves that’s what you’ll use to brush your teeth. Although it’s a bit bitter the results will make you happy and proud to showcase your smile.

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