
Immediate actions you should take when your car brake fail while driving on the highway

Experiencing brake failure while driving on a highway is a highly dangerous situation that requires immediate action. Here are the steps you should take when faced with such an emergency, according to Mechanic Base.

Stay Calm and Alert: It’s crucial to remain calm and focused during a brake failure situation. Panicking can lead to poor decision-making and increase the risk of an accident.

Downshift and Engine Braking: If your vehicle has a manual transmission, downshift to a lower gear to slow down. This technique, known as engine braking, can help reduce speed gradually.

Apply the Emergency Brake: Carefully and gradually engage the emergency or parking brake to help slow down the vehicle. Be aware that this brake is not as effective as the regular braking system, so use it cautiously.

Look for an Escape Route: Assess your surroundings for potential escape routes. Look for an emergency lane, an exit ramp, or a wide shoulder where you can safely bring the vehicle to a stop.

Pump the Brake Pedal: If you have a non-ABS (anti-lock braking system) vehicle, rapidly pump the brake pedal to build up hydraulic pressure and try to regain some braking power.

Communicate and Seek Help: Use your cell phone or any available means to call emergency services and inform them about the situation. Provide them with your location, the fact that your brakes have failed, and any other pertinent information.

Remember, brake failure is a serious emergency, and it’s crucial to prioritize your safety and the safety of others on the road. Following these steps can help you mitigate the risks and potentially bring your vehicle to a safe stop.