
“It will be tragic if Ajaero’s condition is used as a political ploy to sabotage a process

The president of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has received a plea from Bishop Matthew Kukah, the Catholic Bishop of the Sokoto Diocese, urging him to keep politics out of the way of the welfare of the populace. Regarding NLC President Ajaero’s health, Kukah conveyed his sorrow and worry as well as his wish for Ajaero’s appropriate care and recovery.

In an interview with Arise TV, Bishop Kukah took a firm stance against exploiting Ajaero’s medical situation for political gain, especially with regards to the electoral process in Imo State. He emphasized that canceling or delaying elections in Imo State would not serve the best interests of either the NLC or the people of Imo.

Kukah’s message regarding the situation in Imo State is a plea to the NLC president not to allow political interests to take precedence over the well-being of the people in Imo. He expressed deep sadness over the unfortunate events surrounding NLC President Ajaero and sincerely wished for his recovery. However, he cautioned against using Ajaero’s condition as a political tool to disrupt a process that is meant to benefit the people of Imo.

The Bishop stressed that it would be a tragedy if Ajaero’s health condition were exploited to halt a process that is designed for the betterment of the people of Imo. He firmly believed that deciding to cancel elections in Imo would not be in the best interests of either the NLC or the people of the state.


Hear him: “As to the unfortunate situation in Imo, all I can say is to just add my voice to the voices of many other people and to call the president of the NLC to please, not to allow politics to gain the better hand of the people of Imo. I feel very sad. I was saddened to see what happened to NLC president Ajaero, and I hope that he’s getting treatment and getting better. But it will be a tragedy if his (Ajaero) condition is used as a political ploy to stoll a process that is for the good of the people of Imo. I mean, I don’t think that deciding that elections will not hold in Imo will be for the good of the NLC, nor will it be for the good of the people of Imo.”