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Little Girl Left With Swollen Eyes And Hands After She Was Assaulted By Her Aunt (PHOTOS)

An eight-year-old girl has been subjected to a brutal assault, leaving her with severe injuries, including swollen eyes and hands. Activist Harrison Gwamnishu has shared a harrowing video of the battered child, who is currently receiving medical attention at a hospital in Lagos.

According to Gwamnishu, the girl was assaulted by her aunt, who had taken her in to “train” her. The incident occurred in the Ijaiye area of Lagos state. The child has since been rescued and is receiving treatment at D Champions Hospital in Lagos.

“OTHER PEOPLE’S CHILDREN IN YOUR CARE ARE YOUR CHILDREN. TREAT THEM AS YOURS,” Gwamnishu wrote in a statement. “If you can’t take care of them as yours, take them back.”

The incident has sparked outrage and concern, highlighting the urgent need to protect vulnerable children from violence and neglect. CONTINUE READING