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Reactions As Landlord Destroy Staircase Leading To Tenant’s Room Over Rent

TheNGblog gathered that Lady cries as landlord demolishes concrete stairs leading to their apartment, supposedly for rent difficulties.

The event is said to have occurred in Ghana between the landlord and the renter, who allegedly wanted to force the tenant to move out.

It was learned that they had a rent dispute, and the landlord devised a clever way to get the tenant to leave.

He demolished the concrete stairway that led to the tenant’s apartment, leaving just the rods that kept it together.

The lady identified as @obaapa ama, one of the tenants who reported the story online, stated that their landlord intended to deceive them and when they objected, he punished them.

A Update that surfaced online shows one of the occupants trying to make her way up to the apartment.