
What to do when a bone stuck in your throat

According to MayoClinic, Bone getting stuck in the throat is one of the common things that a lot of people suffer from. This type of situation remains one of the most common that a lot of people have experienced, this might look like a very simple situation but when not taken care of could lead to untimely death of the victim

In this article I am going to be talking about things you should do when a Bone is stuck in your throat.

1. Cough Forcefully

Coughing forcefully is one of the most effective ways of removing fish bone from your throat. This is because most bones that get stuck in the throat are just slight and simple bones that can easily leave the throat when you are coughing.

2. Drink Soda

Soda is another way which you can remove bones from your throat. This is mostly because soda it is a great taste that contains a lot of gases which could help break done the bone that is stuck in the throat.

3. Soak Bread in water and swallow

It is believed that soaking bread in water makes its heavier, swallowing a big chunk of this bread could play a good role in dislodging the bones in your throat.

4. Take a little bite of bread and peanut butter

It has been proven by a lot of studies that taking a little bite of peanut butter and bread could go a long way in helping you loose the bones stuck in your throat