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Zambezi River Crocodiles refused to chew a Judge in Mongu , saying don’t involve us in your Corruption

Mongu Resident Judge Wilfred Muma had a very unsuccessful suicide mission this morning along the Zambezi Banks.

The judge left a suicide note home, that he is harvesting himself, to spend eternity with the Lord.

But midway to eternity, he changed his mind and screamed for help, a loud “mayo nafwa” never heard before the entire Western Province

He is lucky the good people of barotseland are not like ba Lusaka. If it was ba Lusaka, they would have risked their lives jumping into the Zambezi River to save him from death, then beat him to death to teach him a lesson.

Bane, I have regurgitated here, that those who commit suicide are exceptionally brave. Going to look for death, and face it man to man, the same death we spend all our lives running away from, is not a child’s play.

In fact, those who survive suicide must be given a medal instead of being charged.

Class Dismissed!