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Believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who will believe in your dreams; some women are surrounded by wolves in sheep’s clothing.

I think the first thing is to believe in yourself and surround yourself with people who will believe in your dreams, as crazy as they might seem. Surround yourself with people who champion your aspirations, no matter how ambitious. Avoid those who project negativity or limitations. It’s very important not to let someone project their fears on you, so keep your circle very healthy.

Unfortunately, some women are surrounded by wolves in sheep’s clothing. Having a good network of people around you is crucial. Don’t let society dictate what’s important or what should be important to you. If you want to be a mother, a wife or a career woman, go ahead; if you want to be all three, do that, because at the end of the day, you know what you will be happy with when you go to bed at night. So, don’t allow society to tell you that you need to be a career woman making six figures and that you don’t need a man or you do need a man. Just decide the life you want and be true to yourself.