
Your Phone Can Kill You If You Don’t Stop Doing These 3 Things Immediately

According to using your phones in these habits could kill.

1. Using the phone while on charge
Radiation from phones is also a factor to consider when using your phone while it is charging. It emits the most radiation, which may result in brain tumors and even cancer.

2. Making phone calls while your phone is on charge.
If you use your phone while it is charging, it may explode within a short period of time due to the limitless heat and radiation produced by the phone. Causing the battery to explode will result in the entire phone exploding, resulting in the burning of the house, loss of property, and death of the victim.

3. Using your phone too much with it near your head and body (especially the heart).
It is possible to develop poor vision or low vision if you use your phone too much while it is near your head, and it is possible to develop cancer if you use your phone too much while it is near your heart.

Symptoms include being unable to speak on the phone and feeling nauseous or like vomiting.

Physical effects:
It is possible to have an accident while texting and walking on the street if you are not paying attention.