
We have a big issue ahead of us in this country – Bode George

Chief Bode George, the former chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party, has stated that his intention to leave Nigeria has not changed. Chief George claimed he would leave the country if the Supreme Court ruled that Bola Tinubu had won the presidential election.

He explained his decision by saying he doesn’t want to live in an area where street criminals called Agbero are the norm. He said that Nigeria needs a leader who will actually pay attention to what the people want. He also insisted that the agberos of Lagos be forced to participate in training for new job skills.

”There is no question that Nigeria is in need of leadership,” he remarked. We are like a ship lost at sea, and the hurricane winds are picking up. If, after I have prayed, I still feel unsatisfied, I can leave. My age is close to being 80. Where else should I look? I don’t want to waste the rest of my life hanging out with the agberos or any other street thugs. When they could have provided them with skill-building opportunities, they instead abandoned them on the streets. There is a major problem that needs to be addressed in this country.